Sunday, June 03, 2007

The New World Religion

(2 Thessalonians 1:3-2:12)

Times have changed.

People have always seen religion as a cause for division, problems, and unrest. Some have seen it as a source of great good too. But it seems like more and more people don't have any tolerance for the mention of religion as a truth claim. Religion is only tolerated as a preference like a particular flavor of ice cream or candy. One religion is just as good as another, as long as it sees itself in that way—a preference.

The world response has become a call for a new type of religion that embraces all other religions. If I remember correctly, the ancient Romans had a similar issue. To have peace throughout the empire, different religious views had to come under a rubric of acceptance and accommodation. They were all tolerated and all enjoyed peace as long as they remain an acceptable choice to enter and exit from, and caused no disruption upon Roman life, culture, and economy.

Of course the Jewish faith did not allow this very easily, and it became a source of great consternation for the Romans. Then add in the Christian sect of Judaism, and the Romans were apoplectic. Although there were periods of peace among these groups, there were also periods of great turmoil. Even the Christian faith itself had periods of turmoil within—which were heretical attempts at altering the faith. Someone is always trying to accommodate to the culture to bring peace and acceptance, even today.

Which brings me to the rising of a new predominate religion. This religion has an orthodoxy, eschatology, and salvation message. In some ways it resembles the Christian message, but it is laced with deceit. This religion sets itself above all other religions, faiths, cultures, and gods. This religion is being accepted by more and more people, regardless of their faith claim. This religion is the religion of this world, made by man. Some people call this new world religion, Postmodernism. Some call it Humanism. Some call it Socialism. Some call it Universalism. Either way, it is the religion that is called The Great Error.

The Orthodoxy

  • Truth is relative. Those that disagree are heretics. Those that embrace this are celebrated.

  • The virtue that holds this together is worldly love. This love is not concerned with seeking the highest good of the beloved. It seeks to feel good about itself in the act of demonstrating non-judgmental tolerance, and sexual exploitation and perversion.

  • Anything that upsets peace is considered evil. This type of peace is defined by the absence of conflict, whether war or arguing. Living together, but separated from each other, is considered optimal living conditions. If we group together in tribes of like-minded individuals we are doing well. Now, technology like the internet allow us to just that. Gathering a large amount of teachers to say whatever our itching ears want to hear.


  • Global warming. Destruction of mankind is imminent because of mans lack of care for this earth. Gaia will retaliate against man's carelessness, because his very existence threatens this earth's delicate system.

  • Lack of peace, and the presence of war. The reason we have war and unrest throughout the world is because of a lack of justice, lack of love, and lack of economic fairness. Man is basically a survivor, and cares little about the weak among us. Everyone in the world is interested in self-preservation, and the lack of vision is destroying us. If mankind can only grasp that our existence is dependent on us getting along, we would see the need to make peace with each other, even out of selfish reasons.

Salvation Message

  • Love. Like the Beatles' song says, "All we need is love." If we decide to put down our hostilities and live our (selfish) lives and keep to our own business, we will have peace and safety in this world.

  • Sharing. If we share resources with one another, regardless of what people believe or practice, no one will be in need. And it will eliminate the reasons we make war with each other.

  • Global allegiance. There is this strong belief emerging that says that unity throughout the world is the key to our survival. Issues like global warming, AIDS, and economic prosperity can pull the world together into peace and harmony, if we all work together for their solutions. It doesn't matter what religion you are, or what you believe or don't believe. Come together, and we can make this world a better (Utopia) place.

The Great Error. It just isn't true.

Jesus didn't come to help us get along or to make our current lives better and smoother. He came to take over—thus the Kingdom has come. He didn't come to see that people cared more about each other for selfish reasons. He came to unite the world under himself, bringing everyone back to the true God. The fruit of this is that his people will care about others in truth, not pretense.

He didn't come to initiate a program of revolution throughout the world. He is the revolution. He didn't come to bring unity and peace. He came with a sword to divide the world and to bring turmoil over his name. (Oh, blessed are those who do not fall on account of his name!) In so doing, the resulting unity will be a genuine unity. All peoples, great and small, old and young, east or west will come together under his name, worshiping the One true God together.

He didn't even come to make this world a better place. For the day will come will all this will be destroyed by God by the ultimate global warming on that day he visits us again. In fact, those who are his are not even looking for a kingdom built by the hands of men (Utopia). They can't be fooled by the counterfeit promise because they seek a heavenly kingdom, built by the hands of God Himself. In it they will be kept safe, and they will never thirst or hunger again.

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