Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Toys of Trouble

Who would have thought that "Jesus" was too offensive a word for Christmas?

Although I generally think that Toys for Tots is a good program, I think this attitude is going too far. They have rejected a 4000 toy donation of toys, because the speaking toys mention Bible verses. I know they are a secular organization, and I don't expect them to want to promote Christianity, but these are Christmas gifts for needy kids! If some parents don't want their kids exposed to Christ in Christmas, they can reject the toys. (A rare few would do so, I suspect.) But as an organization, don't reject these toys for these people.

It is as if the organization is deciding for the needy what they would be offended by, and thus treating the needy as stupid, and dependent. (I guess that is really how some people think of them.) It is admirable that this organization is willing to gather toys for kids who won't normally get them at Christmas time, but it is Christmas!

Not every organization apparently gets it though. So, it goes to show you that Christian's really need to be more intentional when giving to any organization to help the needy. In other words, let's consider what we intend to accomplish with our donation or help. What manner and group do we wish to support that fits more in line with our worldview? Why give from a temporal perspective, when we can give from an eternal perspective? Why give to help promote happiness in this life, when we can give to help promote what saves both body and soul for eternity?

I am not saying, "Let's just tell people about the gospel of Christ and forget about physical needs." But I am saying that whatever we do, whether it is world missions, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, or taking care of orphans and widows, we do so with the intent on glorifying Christ — not ourselves or temporal organizations.


  1. I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where the best and most reputable organizations were founded and run by Christians.

  2. Perhaps they have too many toys and can be picky over what they take. I'm surprised that I didn't get the newsletter that said they had solved the Christmas gift problem for needy kids. I guess that means no more angel tree at the mall this year.

  3. Brad, it is incredible. I don't think needy kids, nor their parents, would care a whole lot.

    John, I wonder myself. But it's funny, that many charitable organizations started out as Christian run, and became secular. Sort of like a lot of our Ivy League universities.
