Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Three Questions Christians Need to Ask When They Vote in Elections Part 2

Everyone has a perspective on the big issues of life, and our candidates are no different. In my last article I discussed the first question we need to consider when voting as Christians. What is the primary reason or purpose of government? This naturally leads us into our next question to consider.

2. What is the true nature of human beings?

Are people intrinsically valuable? And how valuable are they? Government itself can't answer this question. It must be generally understood by those in power and by the governed. A politician can't (or won't) protect what she, or her constituents, does not value. And how much more when it stands against something she truly values. For instance, if people are not as valuable as the money it takes to keep certain populations alive, then let them die.

Another way to look at this is asking, are human beings' rights intrinsic or extrinsic? In other words, are basic human rights a product of who we are, or what we say we are. If a politician thinks it comes from our own self-evaluation, then rights can change over time, according to different societies, and in different situations. Government has the power to give or take rights as a reflection of current thought.

According to the Bible, God created mankind as a special creation. They exist as male and female in His very image. This is what makes murder wrong, and punishable by death. God has set the value of man at a very high price. And love is the highest good afforded to one another. Therefore, based on love as the highest good, and being made in God's image, we have certain rights that are inalienable to our being. And it is God who sets this. Therefore, government cannot take or grant rights to human beings. It can only protect and honor them by punishing threats, promoting (encouraging) good behavior, or permitting the free exercise of our rights.

But that leaves us with one final question.

Next: What are rights?

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