Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My Faith Today

Yes, I know. It has been a month since I last updated my blog. I have been insanely busy. I hope to keep providing content more frequently. (Said that before.)

Anyway, I've been thinking about my faith recently. Having experienced a succession of life-changing experiences in a short amount of time, dealing with turmoil in my work life, and working on a series of lessons for the adult Sunday school class in my church has led me to examine what I believe about my role in this life concerning my faith.

I can see areas where I hold to the things of this life as if my life depended on it. I see areas where I don't appreciate what I do have. I see areas where I can easily sin in my heart, and really care—until I think about it.

But I also see areas where I've grown. I see my sin more clearly and I care more deeply about how that affects my relationship with Jesus, my God and Savior. I realize I stand by the grace of God—whether I am weak or strong. (2 Corinthians 12:7-9; Psalm 147:10-11) I am more fearless in expressing my faith and convictions to others. And, I care about other people perhaps even more sincerely than ever before.

So what can I say about my faith today? It is deeper and stronger, yet I walk with a limp.

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